A bailment is the giving of some good(s) by an individual to another for a specific purpose for a certain period of time. After the purpose is fulfilled, the good(s) must be returned or otherwise disposed of following the instructions of the person who gave them.
India, the world’s largest democracy, is a melting pot of different opinions, views, ideologies and beliefs. It is the very existence of these differential opinions and views that add flavour to the essence of our democracy. Hence, it is justified that as and
Starting from vaccine demands to manufacturing our vaccine to rage over vaccine scarcity, India has seen it all. Covaxin, developed by Bharat Biotech and Covishield developed by the Serum Institute of India are the only indigenous vaccines
Since the beginning of time, the law and society have had a special relationship. Both have a symbiotic relationship, functioning as the cause and consequence of one another’s changes.
Numerous individuals are affected by regrettable stigma and biases related to mental health issues. Those with mental ailments are generally very regularly exposed to these negative stigmas. These perspectives can prompt isolation, which might be the reason why those
Racism or Racial Discrimination is a belief about the race of the people, and this supports the view that people’s capabilities and qualities depend on their race that a particular race is superior and a particular is inferior. It creates inherent hate in people’s
It is foremost to know the brief connotation of GST before starting the explanation of the applicability of GST on legal services. Still, the nation has a faded idea about the implementation of GST therefore it is foremost GST is a composite, value-added tax
The advent of information technology bought along with it several vulnerabilities like cybercrime and cyber-terrorism. Cybercrime is a crime committed in digital or virtual space through a device like a computer or a network of such connections.
As per the basic terminology, a wager can be described as a bet. A wagering agreement is one in which two parties bet on an uncertain event, in which both parties have an equal chance of winning and losing and none of the parties can create an impact on the result.
Change is the need of the hour. Everything in and around us is changing at a faster pace. The changes can also be done in the Indian Judiciary and the era of change has already ushered. The Indian Judiciary has already opened its door for the Artificial Intelligence.