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Assault cases are deteriorating and more regrettable nowadays. In measurement research, we observed India is the third-highest nation in submitting assaults after the USA and Brazil. As per the National Crime Bureau’s Annual report, in 2018 around 94000 assault cases were recorded in


As indicated by National Crime Records Bureau Data around 34,000 assaults occurred in 2018 alone.

Assault cases are deteriorating and more regrettable nowadays. In measurement research, we observed India is the third-highest nation in submitting assaults after the USA and Brazil. As per the National Crime Bureau’s Annual report, in 2018 around 94000 assault cases were recorded in India, and that implies in like clockwork one assault has been perpetrated in India. The conviction rate is 27%, and 54% of cases are as yet unrecorded.


  1. Right to Zero FIR

It implies that an individual can document an FIR in any police headquarters, independent of the spot of an episode of the Jurisdiction. A similar FIR later will be moved to the police headquarters, having ward for the examination to start. Assume, assuming a young lady got assaulted by somebody in Haryana and she didn’t educate anybody regarding that episode and came to Mumbai. Presently to record an FIR against that attacker, she can straightforwardly go to any police headquarters in Mumbai and can document FIR against that individual. A similar FIR will be moved by the Mumbai police to Haryana Police. This is concluded as Zero FIR. The idea of Zero FIR has come into power after the Nirbhaya Case. The Advisory group of Justice Verma has presented. The Ministry of Home Affairs had additionally presented an Advisory Circular dated 10-05-2013 of Home Affairs for Zero FIR[1]. Assault casualties have been presented with various freedoms after the Nirbhaya assault to guarantee their respect, security, assurance, rapid preliminary and pay. The idea of Zero FIR has likewise been perceived by Delhi High Court on account of Kirti Vashist v. State[2] where it is plainly expressed by the High Court that a casualty can document FIR in any police headquarters.

  1. The Free medical treatment in any private hospital

As per Section 357C of the Code of Criminal Procedure[3], no private or government emergency clinic can charge expenses for the treatment of assault casualties. All emergency clinics, either private or public, will promptly give medical aid to the casualties liberated from cost. Assuming any of the medical clinics request an expense for the therapy of assault casualties,  at that point, they will be rebuffed under Section 166B[4] of the Indian Penal Code (non-therapy of the person in question) for as long as 1 year and will be responsible for a fine or both.

  1. No two-finger test during the medical examination

No specialist will have the option to do two-finger tests while doing the clinical assessment. As per Section 164A of the Code of Criminal Procedure[5]This arrangement tells how the report will be made and what things will be composed under the report. The Supreme Court itself maintained this choice because of Lillu Alias Rajesh and Another v. State of Haryana[6] and expressed that the Two-finger test and its understanding abuses the right of assault survivors to protection, mental respectability and pride. Thus, it is illicit. A male specialist will do the clinical assessment; he should accept the assent for doing. Additionally, he should determine what objects he will use at the hour of assessment, what technique he will follow. Yet, he can’t do a two-finger test, any other way it will charge him for assault under Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code[7] for embedding an item in a private part. Chhattisgarh State Government has plainly expressed that: main women specialists will look at the assault casualties.

  1. Harassment free and time-bound police investigation

As per Section 154 (1) CrPC, the assertion will be recorded by a lady cop or some other official. The official will come according to the time chosen by you or great for you. Furthermore, they will fix the spot according to your accommodation. The lady official will record the assertion in the casualty’s quality’s folks or gatekeeper. An officer will record the assertion according to Section 164 (5-A)[8]. The woman cop will take the casualty in court and the assertion will be recorded in the office of the Magistrate. The reason for doing likewise is to check if the assertion noted by the police is right or not. Assuming an assault casualty is stupid or intellectually handicapped to clarify what is happening, then, at that point, Analyzer Educator Social Interpretation will be available at that point to comprehend the signs. The primary reason for doing likewise is, the casualty doesn’t need to tell the occurrence again in the preliminary court the assertion given by the casualty to the judge will be settled and it won’t abuse the right to protection of the person in question.

  1. Trial with full dignity, speedy and protection
  • Section 26 of CrPC[9] states that the preliminary will be practicable by the court managed by a lady. Further, no inquiry will be posted to the casualty that kills her personality of her. Sec 53A of the Indian Evidence Act[10] expresses any inquiry relating to past sex history is immaterial.
  • Sec 327(2) of CrPC[11] characterises the request and preliminary of assault will be directed on camera.
  • Sec 327(3) of CrPC[12] states that the assertion given by the casualty to the justice will be private.
  • Sec 173(1A) of CrPC[13] express that the examination will be finished within two months from the date on which the data was recorded.

The Supreme Court, for the Situation State of Kerala v. Rasheed,[14] requested the courts to finish the preliminary inside two months from the date on which data was recorded. An adequate number of courts have been made only for the assault cases under Section 309(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure[15]. Further, it is requested by the court to make a preliminary program particularly for the assault cases under Section 230 of CrPC[16]. Security will be given by the court with the goal that nobody can compromise the person in question and the observer. Likewise, it is the obligation of the police to get the casualty from her home and drop her at home after the preliminary. Unique lounge areas are made in the court where the person in question and the observer will stand by so no showdown will occur with the attacker. Supreme Court on account of Mahender Chawla v. Union of India[17] gave an itemised rule that to uncover his/her name or personality in the court, then, at that point, he/she will give an application to the court, the court will present the individual with another name and the first character will be kept secret.

  1. Right to compensation

Another arrangement has been presented as Section 357A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which expresses the casualty remuneration conspiracy. The Supreme Court has laid this arrangement down for outlining a plan for pay with Nipun Saxena v. Union of India.[18] Remembering this, the National Legal Services Authority made the guidelines for remuneration conspire for ladies casualties. As per this plan, at least 4 Lakh Rupees and a Maximum of up to 7 Lakh Rupees will be given to the casualty as pay. In the event, the court observes that the sum given as payment to the casualty is deficient then, at that point, the court might build the sum as per the circumstance. It is expressed by the Calcutta High Court on account of Serina Mondal Alias Piyada v. The State of West Bengal and Ors[19] remuneration is given under Section 357A is given to safeguard the major right of an individual. On account of Manohar Singh v. the State of Rajasthan[20], Supreme Court said that pay can be given regardless of whether wrongdoing goes unpunished for the need of satisfactory proof.


Assault is deplorable wrongdoing. Many individuals will languish due to these violations over their whole life and certain individuals fear getting attacked. Be that as it may, assuming you think in the correct way, making a move is better compared to venturing back in light of society’s impact. Nobody matters more than your life. Show up for yourself in any event, when nobody remains with you. Through this blog, you can comprehend that our administration has made each essential stride towards assault casualties. Indeed, even after these disciplines, our nation has enjoyed these wrongdoings. It is critical to comprehend the regulations set somewhere near the public authority for casualties, however, the more significant thing is to understand that these wrongdoings can annihilate an individual’s entire life. We are moving towards a proficient society where we are relied upon to keep up with nobility, comprehend our virtues and these wrongdoings in any space of the nation are unsatisfactory as well as tell the dull fate of our country. It’s not just the obligation of our administration to keep up with peace and lawfulness in the public arena, it’s our obligation additionally to keep up with the rule of law in a general public where each young lady can reside with next to no apprehension about getting assaulted.

Author(s) Name: Ritika Kumari (Narvadeshwar Law College, Lucknow)


[1] Ministry of Home Affairs<> accessed 7 February 2022

[2] Kirti Vashisht v State & Ors. (2019 ) SCC OnLine Del 11713

[3] Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018, Sec.357C

[4] Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, Sec.166B

[5] The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 164A

[6] Lillu alias Rajesh and Anr. v State of Haryana (2013) 14 SCC 643

[7] Indian Penal Code, Sec. 375

[8] The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 164(5A

[9]  The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 26

[10]  Indian Evidence Act ,1872, Sec.53A

[11] The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 327(2)

[12] The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 327(3)

[13] Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018, Sec. 173(1A)

[14] State Of Kerala v Rasheed (2018) SCC OnLine SC 2251

[15] The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 309(1)

[16] The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Sec. 230

[17] Mahender Chawla v Union of India (2018 ) SCC Online SC 2678

[18] Nipun Saxena v Union Of India (2019) 2 SCC 703

[19] Serina Mondal Alias Piyada v The State Of West Bengal And Ors. (2018) SCC OnLine Cal 4238

[20] Manohar Singh v State Of Rajasthan And Ors. (2015) 9 SCC 460

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