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The misleading practise of businesses creating false or inflated environmental claims in order to appeal to customers who are environmentally conscious is known as “greenwashing.” Corporate


The misleading practise of businesses creating false or inflated environmental claims in order to appeal to customers who are environmentally conscious is known as “greenwashing.” Corporate responsibility for their impact on the environment is projected to rise as public awareness of the urgent need to address environmental challenges rises.[1] But in practice, corporate environmental stewardship is frequently far from perfect.

The economic environment in India is changing quickly, and businesses are being pushed to demonstrate their dedication to the environment. However, there are considerable obstacles to putting actual environmental stewardship into practice, such as a lack of enforcement and legislation, a lack of public pressure, and the temptation for businesses to use greenwashing.[2]

This blog’s goal is to illustrate the amount of greenwashing in India and investigate the realities of corporate environmental responsibility in that nation. This blog seeks to shed light on the detrimental effects of greenwashing on both consumer confidence and the environment through a thorough investigation of specific examples. Additionally, it will look at the main reasons why corporate environmental responsibility in India has failed as well as the necessary actions to address this problem.

It is essential that businesses genuinely act to lessen their influence on the environment in a world where environmental issues are becoming more and more pressing. False claims made by “greenwashing” must be recognised and corrected because they only serve to undermine efforts to build a sustainable future.


Corporate environmental responsibility refers to an organization’s duty to take into account how its operations will affect the environment and to take proactive steps to reduce harm. Due to the nation’s rapid economic expansion, which has fueled an increase in industry and urbanisation, this is a particularly urgent issue in India.[3] Many businesses have been able to put profit above environmental protection due to the weak regulation and enforcement of environmental norms.

India’s economy is expanding, yet there is still little public pressure on businesses to practise environmental responsibility. As a result, businesses that make exaggerated environmental claims or participate in “greenwashing” are not held accountable. In this approach, businesses pose as environmentally conscious in order to attract customers and enhance their reputation.

There are substantial repercussions when corporate environmental responsibility falls in India. Businesses that put profits ahead of the environment risk causing long-term harm to the world by harming local communities and ecosystems. Additionally, greenwashing damages customer confidence and maintains a fictitious impression of sustainability progress.[4]

Companies need to take proactive measures to be more ecologically responsible, such as lowering their carbon footprint and implementing eco-friendly procedures, to address this problem. In order to encourage corporate environmental responsibility, consumers and civil society must hold businesses accountable and demand that they take meaningful action. To ensure that businesses are held accountable for the environmental impact of their operations, tougher regulation and enforcement from the government are crucial.


Greenwashing in India is a problem that both consumers and the environment should be concerned about. In order to trick customers into thinking that their products are more ecologically friendly than they actually are, businesses engage in a practice known as “greenwashing,” or creating misleading environmental claims. Companies in India frequently make inflated claims about their environmental activities without offering any supporting data.

Companies who market their goods as “organic” or “natural” without confirming that they are in fact organic or natural are a frequent example of greenwashing in India.[5] Another instance is businesses that advertise the use of recycled materials in their goods while doing little to actually create recycling systems.[6] This causes consumers to be confused and gives them a false image of the things they are buying and the environmental impact they are having.

Sadly, firms in India that make fraudulent environmental claims are not held accountable. Due to lax laws and enforcement, businesses in the nation are free to make fraudulent claims without facing any repercussions. This encourages the practice of “greenwashing,” which worsens the issue.

Greenwashing has a substantial negative effect on both the environment and consumer trust. When in fact their choices are not having the desired effect, consumers are duped into believing that they are doing responsibly when making purchases.[7] Additionally, businesses that participate in greenwashing don’t actually address environmental concerns, which aggravates the issues that customers are attempting to solve by purchasing eco-friendly products.

In essence, there is an urgent need to address the issue of greenwashing in India. To make sure that businesses that make fraudulent environmental claims are held accountable, stronger regulation and enforcement procedures are required. By insisting on transparency and truth from businesses, consumers may also play a part in driving change.[8]


The prevalent problem of corporate environmental negligence in India has serious repercussions for both the nation and its people. Even though there is an increased understanding of the value of environmental stewardship, many firms in India still participate in activities that hurt the environment and hasten climate change. The absence of environmental standards legislation and enforcement, as well as a lack of strong public pressure for environmental responsibility, are the main contributors to this failure.[9]

The ubiquity of greenwashing, or the practice of making misleading environmental claims, is one of the major drawbacks of current efforts by businesses to be ecologically responsible. Inadequate consumer trust and ongoing environmental deterioration result from businesses being allowed to engage in damaging behaviours without incurring any repercussions. Additionally, the failure of corporate environmental responsibility in India is a result of the lack of accountability for businesses making misleading claims.

Stronger regulation and systemic change are required to address this problem. Companies need to genuinely commit to environmental responsibility and take practical steps to lessen their carbon footprint and environmental effect. Demanding openness and accountability from businesses can help consumers and civil society play a significant part in advancing environmental stewardship. The government must also uphold environmental regulations and sanction unfavourable business activities.

In summation, the lack of corporate environmental responsibility in India is a serious problem that has to be addressed right now. This failure has detrimental effects on the environment as well as the health and welfare of the populace of the nation. The government, businesses, consumers, civil society, and other interested parties must all come together to address this problem in order to promote environmental stewardship and build a more sustainable future for India.


This section is crucial because it offers a guide for getting past the myth of corporate environmental responsibility in India. There are various measures that can be performed to accomplish this. First and foremost, businesses need to accept accountability for their environmental impact and take meaningful steps to lessen it. This entails making investments in green technologies, lowering their carbon footprint, and adopting eco-friendly behaviours. Second, customers and the general public need to hold businesses responsible for their environmental promises. Consumer education, lobbying efforts, and citizen activism can help achieve this. To prevent businesses from making fraudulent environmental claims, government regulation and enforcement must be enhanced.[10]

Additionally, the Indian government has to promote sustainable development in a more aggressive manner. This involves encouraging businesses to invest in green technologies, raising environmental awareness among the general public, and stepping up the enforcement of environmental laws. To address the issues of climate change and advance sustainable development, the government must also collaborate closely with civil society and international organisations.

To conclude, a comprehensive strategy involving the government, businesses, consumers, and civil society is required to get past the myth of corporate environmental responsibility in India. India can take significant steps towards ensuring a sustainable future for everybody by banding together.


The blog’s conclusion emphasizes how critical it is to deal with the problem of companies making misleading environmental claims. Failure to balance economic growth and environmental sustainability is reflected in India’s corporate environmental responsibility failure. While several Indian businesses have made attempts to enhance their environmental performance, the truth is that these initiatives frequently fail to result in a substantial change.

The lack of legislation and enforcement, insufficient public pressure, and the lack of accountability for businesses making misleading claims are only a few of the core causes of the failure of corporate environmental responsibility in India. In order to encourage real sustainable business practices in India, it is critical to address the major negative effects of greenwashing on consumer trust and the environment.

There are a number of actions that businesses can take in the future to become really environmentally responsible. This entails making a commitment to effective action, openness, and accountability as well as cooperating with civil society, consumers, and government authorities to advance sustainability. Government authorities must also uphold environmental norms and hold businesses responsible for their deeds.

Summation: Corporate environmental responsibility in India has a major challenge that necessitates a holistic approach to address the underlying causes of the issue. Businesses, consumers, members of civic society, and governmental authorities may all work together to support a more sustainable future for India.

Author(s) Name: Akshar Aditya (Hidayatullah National Law University)